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Event Start Date:
November 10, 2020
Event End Date:
July 27, 2024
Event Venue:

Public Sector Pension Schemes (16:30 to 18:30)

  • Overview of public sector pension schemes.
  • Pension sharing in public sector schemes.
  • CEVs in public sector schemes (how are they calculated, how do they change over time).
  • CEVs compared to valuations for offsetting purposes.
  • Undervalues, overvalues and how assumed retirement age affects fair valuation.
  • Miscellaneous features, Early Departure Payments and non-shareable benefits.

Seminar Venue 

Online event – links to the event will be sent out by email

Seminar Cost
£55 + VAT per attendee


Tickets are available for purchase on Eventbrite or alternatively a booking form can be downloaded below.

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